
 Dream homes, 


Turn dream homes into reality with tools that support bespoke designs, setting the stage for custom builds that echo each unique vision.
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 Impactful and   educational   estimating 

 Impactful and educational estimating 

 Impactful and   educational   estimating 

Level up the homeowner experience and stand out from the competition with estimates that go beyond standard practices and lackluster presentations.
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Demystify pricing for homeowners with interactive selections that illustrate how each choice affects the overall cost. Propose specific selections or include upgrades and optional items with clear pricing to ensure every client’s vision is precisely budgeted. Eliminate back-and-forth and squash budget creep all while delivering a unique shoppable experience. 

Never start from scratch on an estimate again. With all your variations at your fingertips, build lightning-fast estimates that are customized to each job. 

Deliver qualifying estimates in minutes to get a handle on lost leads. Save time by quickly giving prospects a ballpark figure to confirm homeowner interest before diving into detailed estimates.
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Boost win rates
Educate homeowners on cost drivers of their projects, fostering trust and buy-in for better success in closing.
measure tool
Reduce budget creep
Allows homeowners to explore selections and upgrades early on, showing them how their choices affect the budget.
Save time
Cut estimating time drastically with every variation readily available, for quick, accurate and customized quoting every time
Boost win rates
Educate homeowners on cost drivers of their projects, fostering trust and buy-in for better success in closing.
Reduce budget creep
Allows homeowners to explore selections and upgrades early on, showing them how their choices affect the budget.
Save time
Cut estimating time drastically with every variation readily available, for quick, accurate and customized quoting every time

Accurate pricing in a flash

Access a comprehensive item library with zip code-specific pricing so you can estimate with confidence and speed.
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painting a wall
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Time your

follow up

Focus your efforts where they count with our CRM dashboard with real-time updates on customer interactions with proposals
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Track proposal views and interactions in your CRM dashboard, ensuring you follow up at the most opportune moments.

Forecast accurately and manage your pipeline efficiently with a consolidated view of all prospects and jobs, freeing up more time for what you do best: building exceptional custom homes.

plan making

 One-click automated scheduling 

 One-click automated 
 One-click   automated   scheduling 
Transform estimates into actionable schedules in an instant.
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painting roof
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Manage complex timelines and avoid sequencing errors, crucial for keeping projects within budget and on schedule. The familiar Gantt chart visualization aids in planning and tracking, while instant notifications to subcontractors ensure everyone is aligned with changes as they happen.

 Fast and convenient  payments 

Get paid quicker with flexible invoicing and payment tools to keep cash flowing
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Issue itemized invoices based on the approved estimate at various project milestones and keep tabs on all outstanding payables so nothing gets missed. 

Offer homeowners convenient and secure payments online so you can stop chasing checks all over town. Benefit from capped fees and faster settlement options, ensuring quick access to your funds without the usual banking delays.
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payment methods