Get paid faster withintegrated payments

Transform how you handle payments to save time, improve cash flow and reduce stress.

Get started
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Centralized billing & collections

Get paid smoothly and securely, taking you all the way to project completion right in one place. Easily manage your transactions within the platform, avoiding disruption and keeping organized.

Fast, faster, fastest cash

Fast, faster, fastest cashGet speedy access to your cash with our ‘fast, faster and fastest’ settlement options. No more delays or cash flow interruptions—just fast, reliable access to your funds.

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Time-saving automation

Time is money. Reduce slow, manual tasks. There's no need to write checks or hand-deliver them to banks or subcontractors. Funds are sent online and can be deposited immediately.

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Convenient payment options

Make it easy for your clients to settle invoices promptly, improving your cash flow and reducing administrative hassle. Give your clients the flexibility to pay from anywhere, at any time, on their devices.

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Never forget a payable

Easily send out invoices based on estimates, saving time and reducing errors. Track payments in your pipeline, ensuring no project slips through the cracks.


Have questions about our payments solution? We have answers.

Are there any additional fees or contracts to access the payments solution?

Nope. There are no additional fees or contracts to use the integrated payment processing solution. It is included with part of your subscription to the platform

What are the benefits?

Improved efficiency, reduced errors, and enhanced cash flow are just a few. Online payments makes it easy for you to accept payments and get access to your money quickly.

How quickly can I get my money?

With our new accelerated payments options, you can choose different settlement timelines suited to your needs - some as quickly as next business day! Even standard transaction settlements outpace other market options.

Can I pass on transaction fees to my customers to pay?

You will have the option to pass along any transaction fees to your customer or build in the transaction fee into your project costs.

Is it secure?

Bolster is partnered with Adyen to offer payments solutions. Adyen is a global Payments Service Provider (PSP). Since March 2021, Adyen’s US payment service has operated under Adyen’s US bank charter that is federally insured (FDIC). Adyen Bank is a registered agent with the Card Networks (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express) operating under each Card Network’s rules and regulations as a Bank Sponsor.


Extra benefits of Bolster payments

With Bolster, managing payments becomes an effortless part of your business, enhancing your operational efficiency and financial security.


Increase efficiency

Boost efficiency with invoicing and payments based on approved estimates.


Enhanced customer experience

Smooth and secure payment options that your customers will appreciate and trust.


Protect profits

Keep your profits intact by passing on transaction fees to the client.